On Wednesday, April 24, the Township Committee met and here is our summary of action from Committee Person Duarte:

PROCLAMATION – This year our township celebrates its 275th anniversary, and Schiff Nature Preserve is marking 40 years in August! The Preserve is a testament to the power of residents organizing to stop overdevelopment. The property was used for decades as the national Boy Scout Training Camp, until 1979 when it was sold to AT&T for development as a corporate park. Residents who were worried about preserving the quiet nature of their community rose up to protest the project. They formed Citizens for a Residential Mendham, and the AT&T project was eventually dropped in face of public opposition. The Trust for Public Land acquired the property. Then in 1984, the land was transferred to the newly created Schiff Natural Lands Trust and placed into the hands of a Board of Trustees for stewardship and protection. It will be an honor, as the current longest serving Schiff Trustee, to read a Proclamation at tomorrow’s meeting. 

PRESENTATION – The Township Administrator Jason Gabloff will present the proposed 2024 municipal budget. A few highlights to point out. The amount to be raised by taxes is flat from 2023. The budget, if adopted, calls for a tax decrease of $413.78 for a home assessed at $1 million. (The average home in town is assessed at $1,045,145.) Fixed non-discretionary costs make up about 75 percent of the budget, such as pensions and the garbage contract. Of note, the budget includes $2.2 million, with a $208,504 state grant, to repave 10 roads. I am pleased to see a continued significant investment in roads, much higher than in years past, when road repaving was neglected. It also includes support to purchase new vehicles for both first-responder volunteer groups, the Fire Department and First Aid Squad, another positive change from recent budgets. Finally, there is also funding to  buy a backhoe for the Department of Public Works. There is a public hearing on the budget and final vote for adoption at the May 29 meeting.

ORDINANCES – We have two Ordinances on the agenda for introduction and first reading. The first updates the existing stormwater Ordinance to comply with state Department of Environmental Protection updates. The second is a bond Ordinance to fund this year’s road program. Second readings and public hearings for both are scheduled for the May 13 meeting.

RESOLUTIONS – We will vote on Resolutions to: Pay township bills. Apply for state grant funding for the municipal alliance, which provides programs for mental health and substance use awareness. Introducing the municipal budget and set a public hearing date. Authorize a contract with DNS Media Group to guide and support the town in renewing its cable franchise agreement. Endorse a Sustainable Land Use pledge to participate in the state Sustainable Jersey program. DISCUSSION ITEMS – We will end the meeting with an update on the municipal building renovation work; the removal of dead/dying ash trees; and the proposed survey of East and West Main streets.

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